The Story Behind Little Bug Woodworking

How did this all start?
The year: 2020.
COVID19 is ravaging the world. A two-week lock down to flatten the curve is quickly turning into months. My Jeep hobby has all but ground to a halt as parts get as scarce and backordered as they are expensive. So, I decide to buy a table saw (a Delta T2 contractor saw, in case anyone is wondering) and start building some things for around the house. While I'm at it, I made a set of corn hole boards as a gift to my boss.
I was obsessed.
Building furniture was bringing me great joy and people wanted to buy corn hole boards as fast as I could make them. Little Bug Woodworking was born.

Why "Little Bug"?
From the day she was born, our daughter has been my "Little Bug". She is tenacious, strong-willed, and has a little smile that can light up a room. My hope is that she will continue to grow in her strength and self sufficiency while always remembering she has her dad to help when she needs him. She's already a mean magnet-tile builder, she'll be ready for the table saw any day now.
The name Little Bug Woodworking is my gift and reminder to Gabriela that she can achieve anything she sets her mind to.